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Location: London

Wednesday, August 20, 2003

issue 08 ·: the reborn issue

:::: uncle void's linkmail

:::: issue 08 ·: the reborn issue
:::: to all the gigs and social events
:::: I missed out on recently
:::: cophee anyone?

:::: sponsored by Will Free
:::: supported by Brazil Nuts
:::: special effects by liverpoodlian accents


karaoke is japanese for dead orchestra (malcolm mclaren)

http://www.unpluggedtv.com -- check out ulf's conspiracy corner!!!
someone say german accent is not COOL

fo.apple.com%2Farticle.html%3Fartnum%3D50028 -- support online
video support if you dont know how to put in your 2GB RAM

http://www.classiccafes.co.uk/ -- good coffee + history class

http://www.upmystreet.com/ -- now this is not globalisation
The real-life guide to your neighbourhood

http://www.barbelith.com -- another webzine?
It's a home for dialogues about society, technology, media, magic, religion,
sex, and what-all else. It's a community which is boisterous, passionate,
sometimes acerbic, yet on occasion surprisingly tender and supportive.
(thats what they say)

http://www.will-harris.com/design/working-with-designers.html -- well
Looks like a site from the 70s but at least here you have it black on white

etness_750.mov -- fischerspooner videos are just funky

http://homepage.mac.com/jonassalling/Shareware/Clicker/ -- THE phone app

http://www.sputnik7.com -- sput kaputt
get more video downloads

http://promo.euro.apple.com/promo/refurb/uk/ -- cheapar mac 4 U

new feature:
google.com includes a calculator!
just type in 2*40-5 in the search field and see what happens(yes that
includes your Mac OSX Safari browser!

'ave FUN


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