issue 10 ·: 80DAYS issue
> ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
> ::::
> ::::
> :::: issue 10 ·: 80DAYS issue
> ::::
> :::: watched from a train passing trains
> ::::
> :::: not yet sponsored by OSX
> :::: supported by 5V
> :::: special effects by "all RAM no HARDDRIVE"
> ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::wednesday:2004::::
why the long break from last issue? : busy(good busy) , please accept my excuse
* [IP] Tracking devices required for hassle-free travel? *
Dave Farber with an example on the cultural effect ,
which Douglas Rushkoff calls "The MovieFone Syndrome"
(Douglas Rushkoff, "Coercion", 2000)
* [Man of Action] MK12 design entertainment *
It's good against evil again, on coke.
Man of Action, aren't we all ;)
* [Starlogo] Mitch Resnick's famous emergence-sim software *
It's all turtles, but thats why it's has to go into one of these little arty projects.
Please hack and visual plug-in NOW!
This IPOD clone shot straight to number one of the MP3-player list?
* [Nothing so Strange] *
Every assassination has it's documentary? Brian Flemming's film from 2000,
if you havent heard of it yet.
"The South Korean stock market took a nosedive when investors believed
that Bill Gates had been assassinated." (BBC, 2000)
* [Mastertexts] Read a classic! *
Nothing better than free products on the internet, update your list
of classics you haven't yet had time to dig your brain into.
Printer recommended - "Marcus du hast schon ganz pixelige Augen,
geh doch mal raus and die frische Luft."