> ::::
> :::: uncle void's linkmail
> ::::
> :::: issue 05 ·: here there neverwhere issue
> ::::
> :::: last breath and first blow
> ::::
> :::: still sponsored by enterprise flat crew
> :::: supported by BUFFY
> :::: special effects by freelancers.net
> ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::friday:2003:::
http://www.kernel.com --new input for old installations?
http://www.waag.org/free/index.html -- we like things for free
http://www.airlinemeals.net/ -- all that food
http://www.phil.uni-sb.de/saargebiet/PortraitSB.html#Spiel -- even goethe
visited my city
http://media.k10k.net/issues/issue125/index.htm - to be downloaded
http://www.noderunner.com/ -- warchalking lives on
http://fuckitall.com/bsh/ -- spam
http://www.intellectbooks.com/nation/index.htm -- webtext
http://www.linkoln.net/screenedout/ -- who is joshua davis?
http://www.blinkenlights.de -- bigger is better